December 20, 2009

Bonenkai 2009

Okay, this will be my last post of 2009. It's just we had such a great time the other night at our Bonenkai, I wanted to share. We had several groups coming together, which only happens once or twice a year, due to distance. We trained and talked about what we learned over the last year, saw old friends (Shawn!), ate some of the best sushi in Chicago, drank Asahi (Super Dry!), opened presents, and all with our Buyu, some of the best folks I know.

I want to thank Shidoshi Jeff Patchin and his boys for coming in once again from Rockford (almost a two-hour commute). When I got Jeff's yearly nobody-knows-how-to-drive-in-Chicago call, I knew everything was coming together. And it did.

Thanks to everyone who came, hope you went home with a smile, a full belly, and a nice little gift. I got a copy of one of Soke's Kuden series from the gang, and 'stole' a copy during White Elephant of "Nine Deaths of the Ninja,"
which, looking back, might not have been the smartest of tactical decisions, after viewing the credit sequence where Sho Kosugi swings a Ninjato in the middle of three dancing babes to the vocal stylings of a woman who probably (and thankfully) sang herself into obscurity. Check it out here, but be warned:

For my gift, I brought a ham.

Let's do it all again next year!


Check out the pics here:

UPDATE 12/21/09 - "Nine Deaths of the Ninja" - Best bad Ninja movie ever ... ever. Do yourself a favor, watch this movie. Watch it with Buyu. And alcohol. Why?
1. Ninja vs Filipino midgets.
2. Screechy gay wheelchair Nazi guy doing his best Dr. Strangelove.
3. Hot "Foxy Brown" type doing her best Pam Grier.
4. You will learn more about attaching shurikens to a camouflaged jumpsuit than any other movie.
Complete your training - don't miss this!

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